Awesome Berry
The composition of apple, blueberry, banana, blackcurrant and raspberry flavour is a perfect addition to your daily diet to supplement your body with important vitamins and minerals, which may increase your immunity to common sicknesses. Apple and banana are a rich source of potassium, while the substances contained in blueberry may have a positive effect on your vision and also reduce the risk of cancer. Blackcurrant provides a balanced portion of vitamin C and cleanses your body of toxins. Raspberry supports the treatment of infections and colds.
A unique mix of apple, carrot, banana, papaya and mango is pure pleasure for your palate! The velvety taste of the fruits will provide you with many essential vitamins as well as minerals. The source of potassium are apples, bananas and papayas. The carotene contained in carrots balances your skin tone and has a positive effect on your eyesight. Bananas provide potassium for your body. Papaya and vitamins contained in it detoxify your body, and also reduce "bad" cholesterol. Mango, because of its antioxidants and antioxidants, delays the ageing process and also slows down and prevents the growth of cancer cells.
Just Relax
Just Relax and drink a real natural vitamin bomb made from apple, rhubarb, pear, strawberries and raspberries! Apple, with the minerals and vitamins it contains, is a rich source of vitamin C, potassium and iron. Rhubarb contains rapontygenin - a substance that inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Strawberries and raspberries contain a high content of vitamin C, as well as organic compounds that have a bactericidal effect. Pear supports your digestive system and reduces blood pressure.
Natural Refreshment
The unique combination of apple, pear, kiwi, parsley, mint and chlorella flavours gives you an amazing vitamin bomb! The apple is rich in minerals such as potassium and iron. Pear and kiwi reduce blood pressure through the minerals and vitamins they contain. Kiwi lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and supports the proper functioning of the circulatory system. Parsley is a rich source of vitamin A, C, iron, magnesium and calcium, thanks to which it can help with kidney problems and anemia. The substances contained in mint support the digestive system, as well as give you a sense of refreshment. Chlorella is an algae that has a detoxifying effect, allowing you to relax in a natural way.
Forest Adventure
The natural mix of apple, banana, pear, blackberry and cranberry creates an extraordinary colour and taste! This smoothie contains many vitamins and minerals. Apple, banana and blackberry provide you with a high dose of potassium. The banana is a rich source of magnesium and calcium. The distinctive combination of apple and blackberry supplement iron in your body. Furthermore, the nutrients and minerals contained in cranberries support your urinary system, help relieve menopausal symptoms and reduce the risk of heart disease. Pear helps regulate your digestive system.